Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My Squeeky Clean Post!

So, I ran into this great blog over at Fresh Cut just the other day.  The wheels in my head started spinning and I did the math.  My middle child has eczema and I use a detergent I buy at a club store.  The price for the big bottle is really good, but this worked out to be a better deal, is a greener product AND will not make my kid's eczema flare up.  Sounded like a win, win, win.

So I got to work and bought all of the items I needed. 
Fresh Cut used the pink Zote and I went with the white one.  I just liked the way it smelled.

I then cut-up my soap.  I ended cutting it up into about six slices and then quartering the slices.
I then grated my soap using my cheese grater since I didn't have a box grater or a larger food processor.

I thought it looked like coconut...which instantly made me crave something with coconut.
Since I needed actual granules of soap for the recipe, I then put the coconut soap into my little food processor.  Please excuse my food processor...it's old and needs a bath.
Oh, the irony.  I made such a mess making something to get stuff clean.

After I sent all the soap through the food processor, I mixed it all up in an air tight container.  I have already washed a couple of loads.  The towels came out pretty soft and do not have a scent.

If you want a scent in your soap the Fresh Cut blog post has suggestions and you can also refer to it for more instructions and tips.

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